How to embed the thinking and doing of mathematics.
This four session course will spend each session focusing on the working mathematically aspects of the Mathematics K-6 Syllabus. What these look like, both in what the teacher is saying and doing and what the students are saying and doing. It will incorporate how to deliberately plan through working mathematically and how to assess these processes.
Katherin Cartwright is the presenter for all four sessions of this long course. Katherin is currently the Mathematics Advisor K-6 for the NSW Department of Education.
Course Outline:
Session 1 Effective teaching strategies to embed working mathematically – 29 August
This first session will explore working mathematically as ‘how’ we teach the ‘what’ in the NSW mathematics syllabus, focusing on teaching strategies that place working mathematically front and centre in mathematics lesson. Teachers will participate in readings, jigsaw activities and various tasks that focus on understanding the components of working mathematically.
Session 2 Creating tasks for communicating –
Tuesday 5 September
The second session will focus on communicating, although the components are intertwined, there are a number of strategies that are particularly useful to promote communicating by students. The focus will be on questioning techniques and assessment strategies that support discussion. Teachers will participate in activities and develop tasks for their students that support communicating.
Session 3 Creating tasks for problem solving –
Tuesday 12 September
The third session will focus on problem solving, although the components are intertwined, there are a number of strategies that are particularly useful to promote problem finding and problem solving by students. The focus will be on open-ended tasks, problem solving strategies and differentiating assessment through problems. Teachers will participate in activities and develop tasks for their students that encompass problem solving.
Session 4 Creating tasks for reasoning –
Tuesday 19 September 2017
The fourth and final session will focus on reasoning, although the components are intertwined, there are a number of strategies that are particularly useful to promote reasoning by students. The focus will be on whole class teaching strategies that promote discussion where students explain and justify their thinking. Teachers will participate in activities and develop tasks for their students that support their development of reasoning.